Support Handball

RETIC was behind the greatest successes of the Slovak national handball team.

As already mentioned in the FILANTROPIA article, RETIC has been behind the greatest successes of the Slovak national handball team in the modern history of Slovakia as a general partner. The men's national team fought its way to the World Championships in Croatia, Sweden and the European Championships in Serbia.

However, the common story of RETIC and handball started much earlier. RETIC is in fact a big handball family, coming from a strong handball region.

Sports historians knows that from 1970-1990 very good handball was played in Nové Sady. And the boy's, men's or girl's team consisted of several former or current employees such as Denisa Plesníková, Ivan Grič or Martin Šooš. Three owners of RETIC - Jaro Slávik, Laco Slávik and Peter Malák also played handball.

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