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Prices are tax included
The above items creates a request not a binding order.
After your enquiry is closed, you will be contacted by a member of our sales department to discuss the availability of the material and the possibility of ordering and delivery.
Delivery of the material by our car only after agreement with the sales department or your own collection at the dispensing point.
Terms of payment and transport.
The above items creates a request not a binding order.
After your enquiry is closed, you will be contacted by a member of our sales department to discuss the availability of the material and the possibility of ordering and delivery.
Delivery of the material by our car only after agreement with the sales department or your own collection at the dispensing point.
Terms of payment and transport.
Štandardné príchytky pre plotové panely obsahujú príchytky, ktoré uľahčujú a zjednodušujú montáž plotových panelov ku štandardným stĺpikom.
Príchytky sú podľa spôsobu pripojenia:
Príchytky podľa použitia s plotovými panelmi: